Saturday, January 4, 2014

Three kings Cake (Gateau des Rois)


250 grams flour 65°
250 grams flour fluid
1 teaspoonful yeast
3 tablespoonful of sugar
2 dl fresh milk
1 teaspoon salt
zest of 1 lemon
1 egg
100 gram butter
100 gram dried raisins sultanines
1 almond nut
1 eggyolk to spread

for the deco:
25 g apricot jam
2-3 tablespoon water
2 tablespoon hailstone sugar



Mix the 2 kinds of flour together in a large recipient.
Remove 100 grams out of it ,add the yeast and 1 dl of lukewarm milk .Mix well until you obtain a liquid.Let this liquid rise for 1 hour or more.

Add sugar,salt,zest, and all the rest of the flour ,milk,egg(beat the egg before adding).Mix them well all together. Add dried raisins.
Knead the dough very well, until you obtain shiny soft dough. Kneading for at least 10 minutes.

Make the dough round ,cover and let it rise for few hours ,until the volume double in room temperature.

Divide the dough into 6 equal parts after removing a bigger part.Form each parts into round.
Put the bigger part on the center, sorrounded by the smaller parts .Hide the nut in one of the part.

Cover the dough with cloth and let it rise once more . Wipe the top with eggyolk.
Prewarm oven at 175°C. Bake for about 40 minutes to 1 hour

Warm the jam with water. Spread on the top of the cake then sprinkle the hailstone sugar on the top.

Apple pie

Dough for pies
